Saturday, October 1, 2011

10 Human Ascending or Descending

Many myth or legend that tells of the giant figures, some of whichproved true, and not least of which was bedtime.

Giant - giant is told in various situations and for many purposes, as literature, as stories for children or as a myth which is consideredsacred and believed.

Some of the creatures described by a far greater imagination than the giant legends, legends of early human that is full of stories about the Titans and Nephilim, the giant trolls head touched the clouds.And here are 10 Myths About the Giant The World's Most Famous.

10. Cyclops
Ancient race of giants was marked with a single eye in the middle of their heads, Cyclopes prominent in Greek and Roman mythology.Written in Homer's The Odyssey and Virgil's The Aeneid, the Cyclops legend may have some true origin.

Alleged discovery of an elephant skull by primitive peoples led to the creation myth - the hole for the nasal cavity is very large and can easily lead to misidentification as a place for a single eye.

9. Gargantua and Pantagruel
Derived from each of five novels written in the 16th century by the French writer Francois Rabelais, Gargantua and Pantagruel is afather and son,. The books are written in the style of raunchy satire, full of explicit language and bathroom humor, which is more vulgarand makes concern for the followers of the religion.

This giant does not correspond to a certain size, their height doesvary dramatically throughout the series to facilitate the plot elements.Despite the questionable subject matter, these books are still verypopular today, which is taught at many universities as one of thepillars of modern literature.

8. Jack The Giant of the Beanstalk ClimbersOften the first draft of ceita for children is the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. Origin stories rather simpangsiur, some experts suspect of Norway.
There are dozens of different versions of the story, but most of the plot there is a scene Jack climbs the magic beanstalk to steal the treasure of gold and, eventually, kills the giant who lived on top, and then live happily ever after.
Referring to the norm value, the main character (jack) is not described as a super character and temperament is absolutely good, but the giant is described by a very cruel and evil. It said the giant jack smelt blood and intend to eat him for dinner

7. Bigfoot
Bigfoot, or Sasquatch, is somewhat different from the other entrieson this list - he is considered, half-animal that may exist, but hanyaglittle or no scientific evidence that supports it.

Described as "like a giant monkey ', the creature regarded as themissing link and has a height of more than six feet, roamed theAmerican wilderness, particularly the Pacific Northwest. Often the only clue left by Bigfoot is a great trail legs, many of which largelyfalse. evidence of the most famous of the existence of Bigfoot is apiece of tape in the forest firing Bluff Creek, California, in 1967.

Dimensions and locomotion of the creature features in it are compelling, but until today there is no strong evidence that Bigfootexists.

6. Giants of Jotunheim
According to Norse mythology, Jotunheim is one of nine World (the others including the earth, for man, and Asgard, to the gods).Jotunheim was the land of the giants. Sometimes these giantsportrayed beautifully, sometimes very ugly and destructive, giantsoften stand in opposition to humans and the gods, and can be damaging.

Indeed, the giant fire is deemed to have an integral role in theApocalypse Ragnarok. Thor, in particular, appears as a giant thatmany kills, although he let the lust savagery hang of it, he hasdescended from half-giant and half human. Loki and Odin also had a child half-giant.

5. Paul Bunyan
First documented in the stories of the American journalist JamesMcGillivray, and may be based on the previous story by word of mouth in the French-Canadian lumberjack Paul Bunyan is a giant.
A character is greater than normal lives in a traditional story in many versions, Paul played a role in a variety of creation myths, such asdragging behind him an ax to split the Grand Canyon.

Bunyan was always accompanied with their pets, blue ox namedBabe, and as long as a giant Paul.Patung Paul and Babe are widely available on the roadside in dozens of cities in America.



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